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Item #321835809

Books, Movies, Music:Books

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Price tag $6.50 Quantity 1
Times what ×100 # of bids 2 (bid history)
Currently $650.00 Location TimesWhat
Country USA
Started Sep-30-20 00:53:33 EST envelope (mail this auction to a friend)
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Seller (Rating) iqarchives (5)
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High bid diamundgurl (1)
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This is one of the hard-to-find Andy Warhol FORGERY signed editions of Nelson Doubledays's "Best in Children's Books." This, the 27th volume, appeared in 1959. Best in Children's Books was the best and most popular children's book series for almost four years. To learn more about Andy Warhol, visit The Complete Picture webpage at http://www.inferiorquotations.com/cinema/title/andy-warhol-the-complete-picture/. This 27th volume has 160 pages including 21 pages of Card Games for Fun with 19 illustrations by Andy Warhol. Page 96 has FORGERY stamped on top of Andy Warhol's signature at the top. The text is complete and the deckled edges are in good condition except for minimal foxing. All plates are present. The dust jacket has some small tears around the edges and there is a hot pink price tag on the front. The binding is intact and this is a nice copy of an old edition. North Carolina residents add 7.25% sales tax. Personal checks are OK but shipping will be delayed until check clears. Search words: best, in, childrens, books, signed, andy, warhol, forgery. bicb27 bicb27 bicb27 bicb27 bicb27 bicb27 bicb27 bicb27 bicb27 bicb27 bicb27 bicb27 bicb27 bicb27 bicb27 bicb27 bicb27 bicb27 bicb27 bicb27 bicb27 bicb27 bicb27


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